Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Curse the day when Death Cab is purposely changed out for Natalie Fertado. We listen to music everyday when we are working on stuff. I was eternally grateful when someone put in Death Cab a few days ago. We listened to it that one blessed time and the rest of the time, besides a brief Bloc Party set, I think we've listened to every 'jock jam' out there. I don't want to be a music snob or anything so I never say anything. I put up with listening to the Maquerana and I'm too sexy over and over. However, I just about lost it today when this girl stopped Death Cab. I said I vote that we keep it on! No one backed me up and I was sad. She said, well we've been listening to this for three days and I can't handle it. I ran across the room and yanked off one of her five inch chunky platforms from 1998 and bitch slapped her with it. Ok not really but I wish I would have.

1 comment:

marshall p said...

that happened to me once in jr. high in art class when I brought in sinead o'conner and the "popular girls" changed it out for yes or yaz or something. screw that.