Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Origins School
I sat in a room of 17 women and 1 gay man today (so 18 women) for nearly 8 straight hours. My boss Colleen is super hilarious and she has a way of making just about everything funny. Not sure how it came up but she mentioned to me one day how funny she thinks farting is--and believe me, whatever she finds funny, you will too no matter how you felt about it before. So we're sitting in class: It's about 3pm and our lunch has settled and we are starting to get super punchy because none of us have been allowed a diet coke and we're staring at a slide show about plants. Someone's chair was making a noise--at least I think it was a chair. You know how sometimes when you sit on a leather or vinyl chair and you go to move and it makes that noise? Well that is the noise I kept hearing although the chairs were all clothy cushioned seats. So the instructor stopped talking as she was pausing between thoughts and I heard a little pherrrr! I look at Colleen who is sitting across from me and she looks at me and we both had these wide eyed looks of terror slash oh my gosh I am going to die of laughter! It was as if we both wanted to yell out, uh what was that??? But we couldn't and no one acknowledged it so we had to hang our heads in silence which was totally impossible! The instructor kept talking as if nothing happened and I put my head down and pretended to take notes as the tears came to my eyes from holding back the laughter. I could hear Colleen across the table taking deep breaths and hiding her face in her hands desperately trying to contain herself. I couldn't look up for fear of meeting her face again and completely losing control! Eventually I gained composure by convincing myself at how silly my sense of humor was. I am so glad we didn't hear "the noise" the rest of the class!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Does she go to yoga? I wouldn't suggest it.