Thursday, March 19, 2009

I bought two new packages of dental floss a few days ago. One of the un opened packages was on my bed last night as I was going to bed so I put it to the side on the desk beside my bed. Let me back up here one second. This last week I have been sleeping really crazy. I am so tired but in the middle of the night I toss and turn and get really frustrated to the point that I'm slamming my face on my pillow as I re situate myself in hopes to find a more comfortable spot. The anger and frustration have overtaken my dreams at times and sometimes I don't know whether I am sleeping or awake. Reality has become a very fuzzy picture in the wee hours of the morning. This morning I awoke to find my dental floss free of the cardboard and plastic packaging. I stared at it for a moment and then like a dream saw this: I'm half asleep reaching for the dental floss and violently tearing at it, desperately trying to free it from it's confines. I couldn't get through the cardboard part and exasperated, fumbled through my drawer to find a pen to break through. All the while, I'm laying in my bed. I find the pen and begin to stab at it with all of the furry of a warrior. Finally I break the dental floss free and then darkness. I stared at the dental floss, sitting ever so calmly in the exact spot I had left it, wondering if this really happened and then I looked over the edge of my bed. Pieces of plastic and cardboard were scattered about in small pieces. It's a good thing I sleep alone.


Hillary said...

That is so funny. I toss and turn all night too but don't do anything crazy like that. Hahaha...

Alicia said...

You are CrAzY! Don't attack the dogs at night and try to make stew out of them or anything! :)