They've been with me since April--while Scott and Alicia were in Boston. We've had lots of drama with surgery, foxtails, flees, poo, puke, peeing on the carpet, obsession with playing fetch, bark from outside being dragged inside, and playing behind and under the couch. After my parents drove away with them today, I started to cry--and not tears of joy, but sadness. So I went in to the back yard to clean up all of the poo from the last few days just so I could be reminded of all of the grunt work that comes with having them around. It kinda stopped the tears but as soon as I came home from work to an empty house, absolute silence, and no dogs barking for my attention, I got sad again. Before I got them, I suspected that I would get attached and cry when I had to give them back but then after having taken Lilly to the vet 6 times, I thought it wouldn't be so bad. I guess when you go great lengths to take care of something, you develop love for it. I keep saying I don't want a dog but maybe, just maybe, I do.
(crappy cell phone pictures--sorry)