Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I've been tagged by kim and alicia so here ya go:
10 years ago: I was in my second to last semester at byu. I was watching xfiles every week and the guy I had accidentally fallen for told me that he got back together with his x girl and was going to marry her.
5 things to do today: photoshoot with Emily, sew Ali's dress, sew Ali's dress, sew Ali's dress, and sew Ali's dress.
I enjoy: listening to the White Stripes really loud in my car!
If I were suddenly made a billionaire: I would dedicate my life to helping the orphans.
5 jobs I've had: waitress, secretary, insurance sales, admin assis, wig mistress
5 things people don't know about me: I am addicted to Lost season 1 this week. I am terrified of commitment. I don't like candy-just chocolate. I watch the View sometimes. When I was little I would get a piece of kraft cheese and put mustard all over it and eat it--my sis would make fun of me but I loved it!


Brian Gilliland said...

So do you know a lot of Ali's or does one of them have a lot of dresses to be sewn? And Inn-n-out stole the bunnless burger idea from yer cheese sandwich!

Kim said...

Wow, I didn't know all of that. The view, really? and are you sure you're afraid of commitment or you just haven't found what you want? Happy St.Valentine's Day. I love ya snail.

Alicia said...

I have to admit, I get sucked into The View occasionally too! He, he!

Sharon said...

It was fun to see you today. The Bridesmaid dresses are sooooo cute! You are soooo talented!!!

Jackson 3 said...

yello!! I love your pic of you and your twin! So...Deon has been invited to interview at UNLV this thurs!! crazy huh? keep your fingers crossed!